115 Toronto Road, Port Hope, Ontario L1A3S4 is For Rent and has a listing price of 1,225. The property is located in the Port Hope neighbourhood. It's been on the website for 90 Days.
Welcome to OfficeLinx, Our state-of-the-art workspaces that will help you and your business get to where you want to be! A place to join, collaborate, build, and start something in the office of the future. The options are endless from open space, to private offices, multiple offices, etc. Top notch meeting rooms and training rooms are available as well within the building. **EXTRAS** Modern Office Space, High Speed Internet, Printing, Meeting Rooms, Lounge Areas, Elevator (id:43137)
List Date | MLS ID | List Price | Status | End Date | Closed Price |
11/26/2024 | X10930052 | $1,225 | For Rent | - | - |